Forklift Refresher Training Advantages

Forklift Refresher Training Advantages

Forklift Refresher Training

For people who have operated heavy equipment in the past, it might seem like a waste of time to do forklift refresher training. However, under rules regulated by the Commonwealth Compensation Council of Australia, if your license is more than five years old or if you haven’t operated a forklift regularly in that time you must be reassessed.

You can sign a declaration that states that your skills are current. But doing so if you haven’t driven forklifts reguarly could get you into trouble. Alternatively, you may be eligible to complete a 1-day forklift course.

Forklift Refresher Training Key Benefits

Forklift refresher training has distinct advantages for people who already have their license but who need to brush up before using one again. Some of those advantages include:

  • Less cost
  • Shorter time in training
  • Get trained by professional on new equipment
  • Increases and reinforces skills you already have

Forklift refresher training can generally be done in a day. It’s not necessary for the forklift operator to repeat a lot of theory. Testing on theory could be done orally for example as part of the practical assessment.  This eliminates cost and time spent in a classroom. If elements of the operational theory are missing, forklift refresher training can be modified to accommodate this.

After the theory component is complete, you can start working on an actual forklift and show the instructor what you can do. If skills have eroded a bit since previous training, it will become apparent at this time and the instructors will retrain you in the areas forgotten.

Keeping Standards Up To Date

Even if you are a competent forklift driver, it’s still a good idea to undergo forklift refresher training periodically to stay up-to-date with changes that have taken place since your last assessment. In five years, technology can change a great deal. Forklifts being operated today are more advanced, more capable and hence quite different to those manufactured 5 or 10 years ago.

Some RTO’s also provide forklift refresher training directly at an employee’s workplace. This has the advantage of not forcing you to take time off work and benefits the business with reduced cost and downtime. The assessment can take place on the actual equipment the operator is currently using in their job. One such provider in Perth is Safelift Consultancy.

There Are Only Advantages

There is no downside to forklift refresher training. It costs less than taking the initial classes and can help boost the skills of employees. Especially those who need reminding of safety procedures and other forgotten aspects of forklift operation. Even if forklift skills are sharp, refresher training is still useful to keep up with technology and laws plus knowing how to operate forklifts in the safest, most efficient way.